Green Screen Success – written on October 9, 2015

This week saw our first attempt at a green screen production in our new Learning Commons.  One of our grade 5 classes has been diligently working to learn all they can about the upcoming Federal Election to prepare for Student Vote 2015, taking place at our school on Wednesday, October 14, 2015.  The class was divided into 5 groups –… More →

Baby Steps

We’re four weeks into a new school year with our redesigned space. As I’ve mentioned before, timetabling was our biggest stumbling block as we planned how we would go forward this year.  Here’s how we decided to start things off:   Our staff is learning to use GAFE and began using Google Sheets as online signout last year.  The picture above shows the… More →

“I’m ready! Show me the new and improved.”

**Originally written on Friday, September 11, 2015. Just a slight delay in posting.** It’s the end of our first week back at school after summer break and we have jumped back into things here in the Learning Commons at Trudeau.  I have been looking forward to sharing the redesigned space with our students.  They are certainly the focus of all… More →

Planning process – where am I now?

The planning process is well underway for our Library to Learning Commons transformation. While there will certainly be noticeable changes, there will be some things that remain constant. Our current library space will have some things moved around to improve the flow and functionality of the space, but nothing will be removed. Our computer lab space will see the biggest… More →

Back to the Beginning

As we plan our transformation from library to learning commons, I am trying to be mindful of the why and not just the how. This has meant lots of reading, conversations and reflection. As I was working on the floor plan for the new design, and was almost ready to share with our staff and in this blog, I realized… More →